Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Random Movie Review: Blade Runner - Director's Cut

Blade Runner - Director's Cut (1982 Original 1992 Director's Cut)
Starring: Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Edward James Olmos

One of two things need to happen in relation to 'futuristic' movies. Either real-life cars need to show some sign of heading towards the realm of hovering, or sci-fi/futuristic action movie writers need to make a different design of weaponry to go along with the pie-in-the-sky idea of flying cars. The two things just don't seem to line up. The idea of a world where there's life on multiple planets and cars fly doesn't coincide with chasing someone with a Smith & Wesson. I have no problem with the idea of hovering cars, I think it's a fun way to look at a future that's probably not coming. However, to think that the technology will fly right along in that way, but the desigin of the handgun will have halted forever in about 1975 seems a bit far fetched (which I guess does come in line with sci-fi). Why not just make a weird laser gun or something? It's just as conceivable as flying cars.

Anyhow. I have seen this movie before, but it's been a really long time so I thought I'd revisit it.

The story revolves around Rick Deckard (Ford), a 'blade runner' who has to find four robotic human clones that are hiding amongst humans on earth in order to kill the man who made them. The story and style seem a bit outdated, but for the most part it actually holds up fairly well 30 years down the road. Harrison Ford doesn't seem any different than he does in any of his action flicks, which is par for the course for him. Rutger Hauer does a great job as the sort of 'main nemesis' of the clones. The special effects were actually pretty good for their time, though perhaps this version has a redux with the technology of 10 years later. I found that the era of the 'film toaster' had some pretty interesting effect techniques for blending and such that are bypassed for the oft-unbelievable CGI methods of every movie these days.

It ran a bit longer than I had patience for, but I'll still give it a 7.5/10.

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