Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday Brunch: Tex-Mex Breks

Tex-Mex Breks

I used to make a breakfast that was called a 'lumberjack' breakfast, which was similar to this, but with an egg mixed in and one cracked over top. I have omitted the egg and added a few touches.

1 Sweet Potato, peeled and cubed (small cubes)
3-4 Potatoes, peeled and cubed (larger cubes than the sweet potato)
1/4 cup Red Onion, chopped
1 cup Canned or Frozen Sweet Corn
1/2 tsp Chili Powder 1/2-3/4 cup Salsa
1 or more of the following:
1/2 cup Sweet Pepper, chopped (any colour)
1/2 cup Mushroom, chopped
1/2 cup 'Ground Round'
1/2 cup Broccoli, chopped
(Increase potatoes if using more extras)

In a small pot, blanch potatoes for about 4-5 minutes. Start with the sweet potato, as thy take longer, and add regular potato a bit later. When done, fry onions and potatoes in a small pan over medium-high. As onions become translucent, add chili powder/veggies stir in, cook for 5 minutes. Add corn and salsa, cook until salsa reduces.

If desired, add salsa over top when served.

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